Our organisation strives to eliminate classroom hunger by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in government schools and government-aided schools. Alongside, Sadineni Educational Society also aims at countering malnutrition and supporting the right to education for socio-economically disadvantaged children. Sadineni Educational Society has been concerting all its efforts towards providing fresh and nutritious meals to children every single school day. We are continuously leveraging technology to multiply our reach. The state-of-the-art kitchens have become a subject of study and have attracted curious visitors from around the world. The groundwork for a better life lies in education. It is the most powerful catalyst for social transformation. However, a child cannot be educated in isolation. Only an empowered family, especially the mother, would be willing to educate their child. Thus, rather than focusing on only one stage of a person's life, we believe in the lifecycle approach.